healthy. kInd. sustaInable.

many people are choosIng to eat more plant-based meals, and we are here to help

VegMichigan works to promote the health, ethical, and sustainable benefits of eating more plants.

Watch this video to learn more about all we do and please consider making a donation or becoming a member to support our work.

UpcomIng events

Check out the VegMIchIgan YouTube Channel

Monthly recipes, presentation highlights, educational videos, and more!

“we always have fun at vegmIchIgan events and we love spreadIng awareness about the organIzatIon and the mIchIgan vegan communIty.”

Jessica Nowak

“how wonderful!!! all of It! great job! attended a few events and they were fun and tasty.”

Nayna Lal

Support our work by becomIng a member 

Starting at only $30/year!

Receive a gift of your choice with memberships at or above the $50 level.

VegMichigan is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Our federal tax ID number is 38-3602198.