thank you for joInIng us for our 2024 fall vegfest!!
2024 fall vegfest
Delicious Plant-Based Food
Healthy Eating Presentation
Live Music
Kid Zone
fall vegfest vendors
food & drInk
10:55-11: Welcome to Fall VegFest
11-11:25: Music by Scott Fishkind
11:30-11:55: Music by Stuart Benbow
12-12:45: Plant-Based Eating by Chantal Singer
12:50-1:15 Music by Moon and the Muse
1:20-1:45: Music by Milan Seth
1:50-2:15: Unburger, Environmental Ethos, and Yummy Kindness by Bobak Bakhtiari
2:20-2:45: Music by Phil McMillion
2:50-3:15: Music by Bobby Pennock
3:20-3:45: From Heart Attack to Wellness by Oliver Bosnjakovski
3:50-4:15: Music by Mike Gentry
4:20-4:45: Song Round
fall vegfest map

“we wanted to take a mInute to thank you for always puttIng on a successful event. We’ve trIed the rest and now only partIcIpate In yours.”
“I just wanted to thank you agaIn for beIng so accommodatIng at the free festIval. the event was fantastIc and I’m lookIng forward to attendIng next year.”
VegMichigan is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Our federal tax ID number is 38-3602198.