
become a member

Your membership supports our free presentations and cooking demos, our 30-Day Pledge plant-based giveaway program, Spring VegFest, Fall VegFest, and numerous other forms of outreach and education to promote the health, environmental, and ethical benefits of plant-based eating.

MembershIp Levels

vegMIchIgan water bottle

Eco Aluminum Water Bottle with Bamboo Lid and VegMichigan Logo.

Vegnews MagazIne

The most popular vegan magazine full of recipes, stories, helpful tips, and more!

VegMIchIgan shIrt

Rock a VegMichigan logo t-shirt or choose another t-shirt from our store. Unisex and women’s cut available. Visit our store.

If you prefer to maIl a check, please make the check out to VegMIchIgan and maIl to:

33900 W 8 Mile Road, Suite 175, Farmington Hills, MI 48335

Wow! I receIved the beautIful “frIendly Vegan” cookbook you sent me today and I can’t waIt to start usIng some of the fabulous recIpes you just sent my way. Thank you so much for thIs wonderful membershIp welcome gIft!!!

Nena A.

The Cookbook just arrIved – thank you so much! There are a lot of fantastIc recIpes InsIde. UsIng everyday IngredIents and recIpes that don’t have a ton of IngredIents! now I know what to do wIth the bag of flaxseed meal I have In the cupboard.

Monika S.

VegMichigan is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Our federal tax ID number is 38-3602198.