MICHIGaN’S frUIT aND VEG U-pICK GUIdE guest blog by rebecca from VEGGIES abroad Berries – Liz West – Flickr Apples, cherries, and raspberries, oh my! Michigan is ripe with an abundance of beautiful fruits and delicious veggies throughout the summer...
Vegan guIde to MIchIgan’s upper penInsula by rebecca from veggIes abroad Mackinac Island – Mario and Debbie – Flickr A trip to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula always makes me think of John Pinette’s skit on camping. The rugged outdoors and peaceful...
the best gardens & flower fIelds In mIchIgan guest blog by rebecca from VEGGIES abroad Secret Garden – sonnymencher – Flickr Michigan has finally woken from its deep winter slumber. Welcoming lush fields of colorful blooms with the fresh scents of...
Vegan GuIde to Kalamazoo, battle Creek, & Other Southern MIchIgan Towns guest blog by veggIes abroad One Well Brewing – Kzoo While most of the vegan accolades are given to the metro Detroit area there are a few other towns south (and slightly west) of the...
Northern MIchIgan vegan getaway guest blog by veggIes abroad Mission Penninsula – RGadeSawicki Like many Michiganders, going up north evokes some of my fondest memories. The shimmering blue waters of Grand Traverse Bay, the sweeping green landscapes, and the...