10 Easy tIps to help you eat more plant-based meals

1. focus on your motIvatIon
Be it ethical, environmental, health, or just wanting to try some delicious new foods, anything that motivates you to get started is great! No matter your initial motivation, you’ll discover more reasons to add more plant-based foods to your diet along your journey. Your motivation might change and develop over time but be sure to focus on whatever it is as this will help you stay with your goals for the long run.
2. set realIstIc goals
Try a Meatless Monday or one plant-based meal per day for the first week and notice how you feel. Set a realistic goal each week that will be sustainable for you in the long run.

3. prepare plant-based versIons of your favorIte Meals
Use plant-based items (such as the items in your giveaway bag) to substitute the meat, eggs, or dairy. In addition, you can make healthier versions by using lentils, beans, or tofu instead of meat. Look online for plant-based versions of your favorite recipes.
4. look onlIne for recIpe InspIratIon
Want to try a new plant-based recipe but don’t know how to start? Here are some of our favorite blogs (Oh She Glows, Hot for Food, Vegan Richa) and YouTube channels (Pick Up Limes, Simnett Nutrition, Sweet Potato Soul) to get you inspired!

5. focus on meals wIth lots of whole foods
Create an endless number of delicious recipes using fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, herbs, and spices. Many of these items are cost-effective and can help you stay on a budget too!
6. learn to navIgate your favorIte grocery stores
Most grocery stores have a dedicated plant-based refrigerator and freezer section and we recommend you find them! When looking for new products, keep an eye out for the vegan label (often a “V” with a circle around it) and/or check the end of the ingredients list to see if it says “contains: milk/eggs/chicken/etc”. Check out our grocery shopping blog to find recommended options at popular stores.

7. try a new restaurant or fInd a plant-based optIon at an old favorIte
Grab a bite to eat from a Thai, Mediterranean, Indian, Ethiopian, or Mexican restaurant. These cuisines are known for their plant-based meals so these restaurants often offer a wide variety of veg options on their menus. If you want to try some of the best plant-based meals, we suggest you eat at 100% plant-based restaurants as well. Check out these guides to find some of the best places to get a plant-based meal in Ann Arbor, Dearborn, and Detroit, in Lansing, around Kalamazoo, in Western Michigan, in Northern Michigan, in the UP, and at popular chain restaurants. Additionally, go to HappyCow.Net to find restaurants with plant-based options wherever you are.
8. share a plant-based meal wIth a frIend or famIly member
Try a new recipe or restaurant with a friend or family member. Supporting each other will help you stay motivated to reach your goals!

8. fInd lIke-MInded people
Join an online community (there are many great vegan/plant-based Instagram accounts and Facebook groups including Vegan Detroit and Vegan Friendly Ann Arbor), join a VegMichigan meetup groups (we have groups in Detroit, Ann Arbor, Lansing, and Flint), volunteer to help with VegMichigan events (email olivia@vegmichigan.org if you’re interested) or volunteer at a local animal sanctuary like SASHA Farm or Barn Sanctuary.
10. ask for help and keep learnIng
Throughout your journey to eating more plant-based we always recommend you focus on progress over perfection. We at VegMichigan are here to help support and guide you. Take a look at our resource page to get you started and reach out to us on Instagram or Facebook @vegmichigan with any questions.